I'll upload photos from time to time. Some will be of my Team in Training mates and others may be completely random things that strikes my fancy.
Here is a set from the Team in Training run at Bonnie Park on December 18th. This was a special run, because our team honoree, Olivia, was there. Olivia was diagnosed with Leukemia in the spring of 2010 and was only just released from a long hospital stay in November.
Thanks for coming out Olivia!
The Team in Training with honoree Olivia (she's the one in the yellow coat) and her family |
Coach Jim |
That's me! I'm still smiling because it is only a half mile into the run =) |
Cleveland TNT Honored Hero, Olivia |
My Honored Hero, Mikey |
Ice bar hopping at Salt Run Trail - Feb. 21 |