Sunday, March 27, 2011

Shoes and Stats

49 Days to Race Day!!!

My Mizuno's have 200 miles on them, so I figured it was time to get a new pair of running shoes. I do not want to break in new shoes too close to the marathon date, so now's the time.

I went to Fleet Feet in Northfield and they were great! They did to usual observation of how I stand and run, but also took the time to explain things to me. Turns out that my physical therapy continues to work and has corrected my sever overpronation. I now only slightly overpronate and am almost to the point of a neutral shoe. My Mizuno's are designed for a lot of support, which I no long need. I was able to choose from shoes that are lighter. When I put them on it felt like I wasn't even wearing shoes.

Here are my new Brook's Adrenaline GTS 11. I love these shoes. They really feel great when I run! Very light.

I track all of my runs on Dailymile, so I am able to tell how many miles I've put on my shoes. Here are a few other stats that Dailymile provides:
I like the stat about how many donuts I've burned.

One other statistic that I'd like to share is my Team in Training fundraising stat. It is always at the top of this page, but I want to emphasize it today. I am so close to my $2,000 goal and I thank everyone that has helped me get this far!
There is another way that you can help. Tell someone you know that I am running 26.2 miles to raise funds and awareness for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Forward the link to my fundraising page and ask them to help.

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